UGC has conferred the
Autonomous status for a period of 10 years w.e.f. 2024-2025 to 2033-2034. Subsequently, The Andhra University has granted Autonomous Status
The Andhra University granted Permanent Affiliation to the eligible courses [CSE, IT, ECE, and EEE, UG courses and PG Courses of ECE] for a period of 5 years w.e.f. 2023-2024.
Ms. Vasudha Yadav of Department of Computer Science and Engineering bearing Roll Number 17JG1A0558 of 2017 admitted batch is Academics Topper (9.05 CGPA) among all affiliated colleges in JNTUK and won Gold Medal. The medal was given to her in the JNTUK IX Convocation on 31 May 2023
A National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering (RAiSE)-2023 organized by the GVP College of Engineering for Women on 5th - 6th August 2023. Around 100 participants had registered for this conference from the states of AP and Telanga and few from Kolkata, Tamilnadu and Odisha,
A National Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering (RAiSE)-2023 organized by the GVP College of Engineering for Women on 5th - 6th August 2023. Around 100 participants had registered for this conference from the states of AP and Telanga and few from Kolkata, Tamilnadu and Odisha,
Dignitaries who visited the Campus in 2023
The college is fortunate to have received the blessing of his Holiness Sri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swamigal, Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Kanchipuram on 09-02-2023. Swamigal blessed the students, staff and management of the college by delivering a spiritual discourse on the values of education.
Mahendra K. Sunkara, Director, Conn Centre for Renewable Energy Research, University of Louisville, delivered a lecture to EEE students on various possible avenues of Renewable Energy in Science, Engineering and Technology for their career on 28th February 2023.
Madam Sushila ji from Vedanta Academy, Mumbai conducted a seminar on "The Goal of Human Pursuit" on 11 December 2023.
Sri Acharya Ajit Kumar delivered a motivational lecture on 18 August 2023.
The Chief Guest for the Inaugural Session was
Commodore Rajeev John, Commond Electrical officer, Headquarters, Eastern Naval Command and the Guest of Honor was Mr. Sitarama Penumetsa, General Manager, Candela Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Chief Technology Officer, Candela Technologies, USA Inc
Congratulations to Ms. Bhagyasree Sanapala, Ms. Sesha Sri Laasya Kandukuri, Ms. Monika Kusumanchi, Ms. Maanvitha Allampalli, Ms. Neladeega Amrutha and Ms. Lathifunnisha for securing FIRST PRIZE in the SMART INDIA HACKATHON-2022 (Software Edition) jointly organized by Union Ministry of Education, AICTE, Persistent Systems and i4c
Professor Raj Kumar Goswami, Principal, GVP College of Engineering for Women has published a book [by Horizon Books, a division of Ignited Minds Edutech Pvt Ltd] on Forward Error Correction Schemes for Data Communication through Underwater Channel
Ms. Dhanya Sree Arisilli, H.T.No. 21JG1A0429 of I Year ECE & Ms. G. Maneela Venkata Sai, H.T.No. 19JG1A0430 of III Year ECE have won the BRONZE MEDALS in JNTUK Women Roller Hockey & Inline Hockey team events in All India Inter University Tournament held at Andhra University
Congratulations to all Students for having received 402 offers [2018-2022 batch] as on 25th Aug 2022 and also to the Team Training & Placement-GVPCEW. Special CONGRATULATIONS to Ms. Naga Lakshmi Soumya Manta - CSE [27.86 LPA], Ms. N.S.V.M. Sindhuja - CSE [18.50 LPA] and Ms. Gadu Bhavya Yasaswini - CSE & Ms. Bathula Nagamani - IT [15.85 LPA] of 2018-22 batch, who were placed in AMAZON
Ms Mounica Sai Kambala [2016-20] was selected as a Software Engineer at Google
Ms Kilari Vasudha Yadav [17JG1A0558] won the Paluri ViajayaLakshmi Merit award for the Best Student in Computer Science Department for the academic year 2021-2022
A Consultancy Project worth `9.5 Lakhs have been sanctioned by Electronics and Radar Development Establishment., DRDO, Bangalore to Prof Dr K. Raja Rajeswari (P.I), Dr K. Srinivasa Rao (CO-PI) & Mrs N. Roopavathi (CO-PI)
Congratulations to Praseeda Saripalle, Mounika, Jayasree and Supraja of CSE(AI & ML) for having won a cash prize of ` 1,00,000 in Accenture AI Hackathan-2021 under the mentorship of Assistant Professor Mrs. P. Sridevi.
Heartiest congratulations to the placement team and students for having received 232 offers as on 13-09-2021 for 2017-2021 batch. Special congratulations to Ginni Chandini(17JG1A0546) for having been placed in Amazon with 19 Lakhs package.
Solar Charging Station in EEE Department - Click here for details
A startup e-RS-Retrofitting Services floated by Dr. A. Hema Chander, Mr. M. Krishna and Mr. D. Srinivas Reddy of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has been selected by Andhra Pradesh Innovation Society (APIS) for funding. [APIS-TIDE 2.0]